Christ Episcopal Church Poughkeepsie

Celebrating over 250 years of Service and Worship

Seasonal Events

Hanging of the Greens
Sunday, December 17, 4-6 pm

Christmas trees, poinsettias, candles in the windows, green garlands on the pew ends…what could be more satisfying than decorating the inside of our already beautiful sanctuary? Doing it with a lively group of church members who, once the “work” is done, enjoy a simple meal together. 

Christmas Eve Concert & Celebratory Eucharist with choir, organ and brass music

Sunday December 24

Concert - 7:30 pm
Service - 8 pm

All voices are raised in this glorious service that both anticipates and celebrates the coming of Light into the world.  Come early for the best seat and the traditional presentation of carols. 

Christmas Morning Worship and Celebratory Brunch

Monday, Dec. 25 -10:30 am

Come one, come all–as we celebrate the coming of Light into the world with  song, word, and works.  This is truly a family time. 

Draw near! See the Christ Child in the manger. Sing carols, bask in the love of God and your neighbor.

We are inviting the people from the Code Blue Shelter to a Christmas Day brunch.  Everyone is welcome to join us after the service for a potluck brunch, games, movies, and fellowship.   

We invite you to join our church family Christmas morning for the service and the brunch.