Christ Episcopal Church Poughkeepsie

Celebrating over 250 years of Service and Worship

Sunday Mornings at Christ Church

Services during the School Year at 8:30 and 10:30 am

8:30 am Spoken Service in Sanctuary

Our quiet, but joyous gatherings at 8:30 am celebrate the spoken word and the shared Communion.  Please  join us for our beautiful prayers, scripture readings, a sermon, and communion. 


9:30 am Bible Study in Library

Deacon Emily leads a lectionary Bible study between our Sunday morning services. Come and add your voice to our conversation, reflecting on one of the readings of the week and how it relates to our lives.

10:30 am Celebratory Eucharist with Music - in Sanctuary

Our strong Eucharistic tradition comes alive with Rev. Susan behind the altar, a vibrant and  experienced choir, and James Fitzwilliam at the organ.  Please join us for prayers, scripture, hymn singing and musical offerings as part of this celebratory Communion service. 

11:30 am Coffee Hour in Newton Community Room

After our 10:30 service, we host coffee hour in the community room, providing refreshments for a time of fellowship and community-building.

Weekly "Sermon and a Song"

Weekly “Sermon & A Song”

Can’t make it to church, but desire that connection to worship and community? Find yourself wanting to hear a previous sermon or share it with a friend? Find Rev. Susan’s Sunday sermons, each paired with a musical selection, archived on our YouTube channel.